Double Your Revenue with Organic Traffic


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, the activity that ensures the appearance of a website in search engines like Bing, Google, and Yahoo, etc. using a combination of words and phrases.

To somebody unfamiliar with this field, this would seem rather straightforward. Although this couldn’t be any farther from the truth. In fact, for SEO to work properly, patience, solid writing, and plans are much needed that would not only harbor interest by the visitors of the website but also from search engine crawlers like Google, etc.


The following is a laid-out scenario that takes place across every country on the face of this planet, every single day of the week; imagine yourself in a situation where you are looking for a consultation, an agency, a service or a professional. Back in the near past, you would have to rely on a telephone directory to look for a professional or service provider and decide whether he was worthy of it or not. Go a little farther, and word of mouth was the only way to find something. However, times have changed, and in the fast-paced world of today, we don’t have that kind of time. Furthermore, we want to access the services or professionals that have a positive reputation, are well respected in their respective fields and specifically the ones who are working hard to promote their business through multiple channels. This is where we feature.


An individual wants to find out about “best SEO services”. He googles the term on his iPhone or Android smartphone, and a list of “SEO services” pops up on his google search results. He notices that the companies on the top three have an *ad* written on their listing. Scrolling down to the first page of Google, looking for a company that offers SEO services, he clicks on a company’s link, goes about reading about them a bit, collecting information about them about what they do and how they do it, the searcher finally decides to contact the company via email or telephone, etc. here the question one asks to themselves is, how did that company make it to the highest spot on Google’s page 1. The answer is, simply, SEO.


Every SEO agency has its own individual approach towards its prospects, thus operates differently. Although, there are three steps that every SEO service provider follows: research, write, optimize.

It is crucial to understand that SEO is not black magic, and nothing would be accomplished overnight. The process of SEO is complicated and SEO campaigns take time, sometimes even months to conclude and yield results. It all begins with research. This research is based on top ranking keywords, which in turn is fed into the very writing of the content. the ranking of the keyword is determined by a search engine. A content writer needs to integrate the right keywords and terms such as SEO or “SEO services” naturally. Only then the SEO agency can commence the website’s backend optimization, and the website would initiate its operations and run up the search engine’s rankings.

SEO is generally considered a time taking and daunting task for good reason, it can only be accomplished by a specialist agency like Digitally Up. The logic behind this is that search engines constantly change their ranking algorithm’s nature of work. The companies that fail to follow the new and updated rules or cannot keep up with the new updates are penalized and even banned. This is where the battle-hardened pro’s like Digitally Up feature since they are well aware of the SEO landscape and market and have a perfect idea of dealing with upcoming challenges and changes alike.

So, what is the advantage of SEO?


It is crucial to understand that SEO is a lot more than a simple digital marketing campaign; it is a whole way of businesses and brands to be recognized in their local area as well as on a nationwide or even global scale. These advanced campaigns are not confined to local SEO but are also capable of increasing your clientele, year after year, after year!


If you are looking for AdWords or pay per click advertising, SEO might be the best option you have out there. You can reach the top of the search engine ranking with organic search engine optimization without bearing the burden of increased media advertising budget to pay for traffic on other media platforms. a good SEO allows the prevention of paying for the position on the front page of Google.


When advantages of SEO for a specific business are under consideration, the clear-cut answer would be an increased flow of website traffic. A proper SEO campaign gives the business access to trackable and quantifiable traffic that undergoes organic growth over time. This is a crucial aspect since sustained traffic helps in the generation of positive leads for your business, leads with the potential of converting into leads.


The world of today, the world we live in is an online world. Subsequently, your brand’s online worth is weighable in gold. Therefore, SEO becomes an essential characteristic of your brand, your social media and your website design. Once your website gets a good rank on Google, your brand automatically soars high and gains credibility to the masses. Let us think of it this way, making your way to the first page of Google is like making it to the top of the mountain. At that position, you receive thousands of media accolades, personal endorsements and much more, that too without having to pay for any ads or media airtime.


If you are a small or medium enterprise, your sole focus would be the return on investment ROI. When dealing with conventional ads, for every 1000 visitors on your site from a paid media ad, you are to expect a conversion rate of around 2 percent. While with an SEO campaign, the conversion rate is double, 4 percent on every thousand visitors. The sole reason behind this that Google searches are made by people looking for a specific service or product. Unlike SEO ads, media ads are seen by all kinds of people, from all fields.


If you want your hands on the latest trends and updates, make sure you have SEO in your arsenal. For example, you can see a trend or searches being made in your area. Using this data as a lead, you and your sales team can look for keywords with high search volumes and low competition, then you can use this info to generate hundreds if not thousands of sales per month. Customer data is a crucial tool, and with an SEO campaign, you can not only get solid leads but also conversions and sales that really matter in the long run.


Unlike traditional media campaigns, when an SEO campaign is paused, the results do not diminish, they keep up because the optimization keeps going. Albeit some occasional tweaks and turns, the results of a proper campaign can be fruitful for months to come.


Digitally Up, with years of experience under its belt, has been busy providing hundreds of businesses with digital marketing strategies and consultations all over the country. Our SEO services comes second none since we provide our customers with organic growth over a mere period of a month to ensure that the website design is not only google compatible but also capable of jumping up on Google’s rankings in the long run. Our process consists of the following five parts.


Our first step to an SEO strategy is an SEO Audit, and for most of our prospects, it is the most eye-opening part of the process, for it provides the in-depth analysis of a brand or business. This process includes an SEO assessment that comprises of:
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Domain Authority
  • Popular Keyword Search Ranking
  • This part of the assessment lets our team of SEO experts take an in-depth dive and realize aspects like the amount of investment needed, level of difficulty etc. to reach the target. For example, if you are looking for an SEO campaign in Pakistan vs an Oshawa campaign, there is a need for adjustable processes.


    Once we are done with the audit, we will be able to have a better view of your website and would be more adept at developing a strategy that is uniquely designed for your business’s success. We will operate to close the gap between you and your competition using highly competitive key phrases of your niche to establish your brand’s superiority in the market. we will identify your weaknesses and competitive edges and fabricate a strategy to get the website traffic pouring in for your website, organically.


    With the strategy locked and loaded, the team at Digitally Up will start working on the content of your website that is not only necessary to attract new clients but also to engage customers with persuasive content. while our inhouse marketing team is busy with the pen, they would come up with 100 Google compatible content and would work a treat when engaging your target audience. Taking a multi-channel approach, we will make full use of blogs and established websites within our network for cross-promotion purposes and commence the process of both on-page and off-page ranking.


    This part of the process focuses on creating the very foundation of your website. This foundation would act as the platform where the lead conversion takes place. Till this point, the strategy implemented would pe pointed towards boosting the search engine ranking. Beyond this point, the strategy begins converting additional traffic further down the customer pipeline. Generally, there are three key areas of our focus:
  • Landing page
  • Calls to action
  • Architectural Support
  • Every website has its own needs, it could need any one of these aspects or all three, whatever the needs are, Digitally Up would be there for you as the best SEO services provider in Pakistan.


    The SEO campaign is truly a thing of beauty. Once set up, they only need minor tweaks and upkeep, reviews, reports and slight monthly changes to maintain their effectiveness. The SEO refinement process can take in everything from content optimization to full-funnel optimization, thus it allows us to revise navigations, offers, forms, and strategic follow up. With our tracking software and analytic tools, we are easily able to identify and review all sources of incoming website traffic and recognize the visitors which came from google, or which came from social media platforms like Facebook, left, found you, bounced off, found you days later again on Google and finally made a purchase, etc.


    Digitally Up is different from its competitors since we have an ideology of our own. We are an Islamabad Based SEO company that has mastered the art of digital media and search engine optimization for years. Our team of digital marketing experts is a veteran of the field that have acquired special sets of skills over time and is eager to help you with your business in the field of digital media.


    At Digitally Up, we like to keep it simple: every business is unique, so is yours, thus every business needs a unique set of solutions, tailored to meets its needs. Bear in mind that we are not a company with cookie-cutter campaigns, our team of experts would work hard to find the solution designed for you only so that it is entirely according to your requirements and fits [perfectly. We strive to handcraft a search engine optimization campaign in order to ensure the best results possible. Since there is no one-size-fits-all approach at Digitally Up, our customers love us, and we love them back.